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SHEMAY DIAMOND - an investment in the future
These General Terms and Conditions regulate the relations between:
Shemay Diamond Ltd., with UIC 206278827, with registered office and address of management: Sofia, 36 Solunska Str., Tel .: 0895 664 334 Email: Please, enable JavaScript to see email. , hereinafter referred to as in these General Terms and Conditions SUPPLIER (Company / Shemay Diamond),
on the one hand, and the person who has agreed to these "General Terms", hereinafter referred to as USER / CUSTOMER on the other hand, in connection with the ordering and purchase of goods offered through the online store (owned by the Company)
1. The Provider provides the User with the opportunity to purchase the goods offered in the online store "" in compliance with these "General Terms".
2. The provider publishes at ”the following information:
- Description of the main characteristics and image of each product, according to the information provided by the manufacturer.
- Sales price, VAT included,
- Information on the methods of payment, delivery and performance of the contract.
- The right of the Consumer and the conditions and manner of its exercise to withdraw from the contract and the conditions under which the goods may be returned, except in cases under the Consumer Protection Act.
- The period for which the offer and price remain valid.
- The goods in promotion, their promotional price, the period of the promotion and the conditions under which it is valid. In case the sites of the Company where the promotion is valid are not explicitly indicated, it will be considered that it is valid only for goods purchased from the online store.
- Any other information that the Supplier is obliged, according to Bulgarian law, to provide in a timely manner to the User before purchasing the goods from the User.
3. In order to receive the right to make valid orders for the purchase of goods offered in this online store, the User must fill out the electronic form located in this online store.
When filling in the electronic form, the User is obliged to provide the required and correct data, as well as to update them within seven days of their change. The user guarantees that the data provided during the registration process are correct, complete and accurate and will update them in a timely manner if the latter changes. In case the User provides incorrect data or changes in the term under the previous paragraph are not reflected, the Provider has the right to terminate the contract without notice. Before making the statement, the User is free to correct the information entered by him in the registration form.
There is also a possibility for the so-called "Quick Purchase", in which the user fills in only his phone number and the employee contacts the user as soon as possible to clarify all the details of the order and purchase of the specified item (s) and
4. With the act of registration the User expresses "online" consent to these General Terms and Conditions, which is considered bound by their terms. From the moment of binding the User with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the possibility arises for the same to make valid orders for the purchase of goods offered through this online store.
5. All prices listed on the site are in Bulgarian levs, VAT included. In the English version of the site, prices are converted into euros, according to the BNB exchange rate. The indicated prices of the individual goods are for the respective number.
6. The delivery is made through the courier company ECONT. For orders made through the e-shop, the value of the delivery on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is free.
In order for the consumer to exercise his rights under the CPA, he fills in a form for "Request for complaint", describing in detail the reasons for complaint. This is not indicated when the condition for returning the product is under Art. 16.7, item 5.
The term for exercising the said right, according to the Bulgarian legislation is 14 days, as of the day of receipt of the requested products.
The site for convenience has a quick link to the CPC, section refusal of online purchase.
When the Supplier delivers goods other than the ordered one and the Customer exercises his right of withdrawal, the costs of returning the goods are at the expense of the Supplier.
In case of the rights under art. 16.7, item 5 and compliance with the conditions in Art. 16.7, item 6, letters a, b, c, d, The Supplier shall reimburse by bank transfer the paid value of the goods within the statutory term to the person, holder of the payment of the order.
If it is necessary to return an amount that has been paid with a card, the return will be made through a refund operation on the same payment instrument to the consumer. The amount will be refunded only on the card with which it was paid.
The Provider accepts the person as the holder of the payment:
who has placed the order and has registered with his data in the store, or
in the case of bank payment is the holder of the bank account from which the payment was received on the account of the Provider, or
in the case of a company account, it is authorized to dispose of the company's accounts.
Bank fees and transfer costs are not refundable.
The supplier may refuse to accept a return of goods and a refund of paid products if the request is from a person who is not the holder of the payment.
The address to which the Customer must send the refused goods is the address of management of the Supplier, and under the terms of Art. 16.7, item 6, letter f.
Each product can be replaced within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt. Replacement courier services are at the customer's expense! The replacement can be done through a courier company or on site in our store. Re-shipment or replacement is at the expense of the buyer. Before replacing jewelry, you should contact us by phone: +359894542828
or email us at:
Goods under Art. 16.7, item 8, letters a, b.
Before the Supplier finally accepts the returned goods, he checks for correctness its contents, the complete set, the documents to it and whether it corresponds to the name of the one sent to the Client.
In case of established deficiencies in the complete set of the product, the Supplier gives a period of 24 hours to 5 / working / days after notifying the Client of the non-conformity, the same to provide the complete complete set of the returned product.
16.17. In case of non-compliance with the above conditions, the Supplier reserves the right not to refund the value of the product and returns the goods to the Customer. The Provider notifies the Client of his refusal and offers him options.
Acceptance of the product: The product you wish to replace must be returned in its original packaging as it was delivered, must not be used, cleaned or corrected. In cases where the above conditions are not met, SHEMAY DIAMOND reserves the right not to accept back the jewelry!
Replacement: In case you want to make a replacement with another product in compliance with the above requirements, please write to e-mail and indicate the item you are returning and the item you want to replace it with. The jewelry can be replaced once, for another available jewelry, and it can be of the same or higher value, with additional payment of the difference in price.
Jewelry made to individual order is not replaced!
The term of standard delivery is within:
- 24 hours for jewelry in stock and
- up to 10 / ten / working days - for jewelry with order.
Delivery is free for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Expect your shipment after electronically confirming your order to the email you provided.
We deliver to the address you specify or to an ECONT office throughout the country. You will receive a telephone, text message from the courier company for the day of delivery and the amount due if you have chosen the option of payment by PPP (postal money order / cash on delivery).
The site has developed functionality "My orders" in order to create conditions for tracking the order at each stage - accepted, prepared for delivery, in the process of sending, tracking the order, completed order.
Terms of Delivery:
The delivery of all jewelry, regardless of their value and insurance fee are at the expense of SHEMAY DIAMOND.
If a customer is not found within the delivery period at the address specified by him or access and conditions for delivery of the order are not provided within the prescribed period, it is considered invalid and SHEMAY DIAMOND waives the obligation to make the delivery.
In a situation where a customer confirms receipt of the jewelry ordered by him and is not found or has not provided access and delivery terms, re-delivery is made at his expense.
For questions of any kind related to the delivery of our jewelry, you can contact us at the specified coordinates.
You do not need to register in advance to buy jewelry from the site.
When you like a particular piece of jewelry and decide to buy it directly with an online order, you must click the "Add to cart" button. This module allows you to review the order or proceed to its purchase electronically.
After selecting "Complete the order" a page will be displayed with the following data required for completion:
1. Your data - natural or legal person
2. Method of payment - two types of payment are envisaged
- By bank transfer - the bank data of SHEMAY DIAMOND will be displayed, according to which you can transfer the value of the selected items;
- Payment by Debit / Credit Card - the site has a virtual POS terminal through which you can pay for your purchased jewelry;
- On site at a SHEMAY DIAMOND boutique
3. Delivery, and you can choose whether the purchase to be delivered to the address specified by you or you will want to pick it up from a courier address.
4. Invoicing - whether you want an invoice to be issued for the purchase.
5. Additional information - a field in which you can fill in any information related to the ordered products - to be packed, to be delivered at a certain time, etc.
In the next step you must agree and accept the terms of use of the site.
If you wish, you can write a comment about the order.
After receiving confirmation of the order, our representative will contact you and specify all the details related to the order.
Although the site does not require user registration, we have developed the ability to view orders / purchases made through our e-shop, complying with all requirements of the LPPD and encrypting existing information.
In the My Orders section, all you have to do is fill in the email you used to make your purchases and click the "Check My Orders" button. You will receive a link to the review of all your orders related to this email at the e-mail address specified by you, with which you have placed the order.
From the specified link you will be able to view your orders, their status, as well as the dates on which you placed them.
Personal data processed on the basis of your consent, as well as information on inquiries, orders and purchases made will be stored until you withdraw your consent or for a maximum of 180 days.
Payment for the products is made in the way you choose:
When choosing this method of payment you must make a bank transfer to Shimei Diamond EOOD. Based on the transfer, it is enough to indicate the order number, which you will receive at the e-mail address specified by you after confirming the order.
Bank account: IBAN: BG29FINV91501017488670
Our site uses a virtual POS terminal of First Investment Bank AD for online payments by debit or credit card. - system for online card payments of First Investment Bank.
If you use this option, you pay the amount due upon receipt of the order at the address you specify. The amount is paid to the courier by the courier company. Upon delivery, you receive from the courier an invoice stating the ordered goods and the price due for it. You pay the courier the total amount specified in the invoice, which is noted in the handover protocol certifying the delivery of the goods specified in the invoice. The handover protocol serves as a receipt.
With this opportunity you receive the ordered products in the brand's store in the country. You have the opportunity to make an additional on-site consultation with our specialists before making a final decision on the purchase of the specific item or choose another of the available jewelry in our boutique. With this option you can pay in cash or through a POS terminal.
We offer confidential consultation and expert opinion when choosing diamond jewelry. We offer delivery to your office or home by our expert, who will present your favorite selection of diamond jewelry. With VIP customer service you could pay both in cash and by card. VIP consultation is carried out only by prior arrangement! tel: +359894 542828
For Bulgaria
For the quality of our jewelry
About our jewelry